Navy seeks to combine operations of thousands of ships and drones
The U.S. Navy could quite possibly operate thousands of combat ships in the coming years as the service seeks to combine surface, air and undersea drones into its fleet.
AI-enabled Air Force unmanned drones will 'dogfight' manned fighter jets
What if an armed, artificial-intelligence-enabled attack drone detects an enemy fighter jet, uses long-range sensors to confirm the target before attacking with a precision-guided air-to-air missile?
US sensor plan to stop hypersonic attack – 'You can't shoot what you don't see'
The prospect of long-range hypersonic attacks, new precision-guidance ballistic missiles and even next-generation ICBMs has inspired the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency to pursue new space-based sensors to track and destroy faster, more lethal incoming missile attacks traveling beyond the earth’s atmosphere.
Army Futures 'tech cell' anticipates the evolution of war
Self-guiding drone swarms, course-correcting ammunition, AI-driven sensor networks, self-healing armor and armies of armed robots are all things expected to characterize warfare for decades to come.
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