Saturday, July 4, 2020

New best story on Hacker News: Tell HN: Airbnb now opts in your name and photo to data sharing

Tell HN: Airbnb now opts in your name and photo to data sharing
374 by zschuessler | 94 comments on Hacker News.
I received an email today indicating AirBnb will now automatically opt-in user's photo and first name in order to fight discrimination via their "Project Lighthouse" There is no public content about this change, but if you are logged in you can view this page and opt out: Project Lighthouse If you leave this setting turned on, you’re helping us identify and prevent discrimination from happening on Airbnb—and you’re taking part in an initiative to better understand how and where discrimination happens on platforms like ours. If you turn this setting off, we won’t use your information, and we’ll remove it from future studies. You can change your mind at any time. The bit about being opted in was hidden towards the bottom of the email. Feels wrong.

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